Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Immaturity makes us feel the need to defend God, and hurts the one He loves!

I grew up in a pastor’s home; there was always someone in the church that wanted to talk about my father. I was so immature that I felt the need to defend him. It is a natural response. Many times as kids someone has made a comment about our mother or father perhaps even a grandparent and we rushed to defend their honor, “take it back…. Take it back or I will punch you….. “. Please don’t act like I was the only one.
The Lord showed me today that we tend to do the same thing as children of God. We become militant, “we are right, how dare they go against God, surely it is my job to point out all their wrongs……” if this is not you then you know someone like this. Is there a time to point out wrongs? Yes, in a loving way. Is there a place to remind all sinners that they need Jesus? Yes, but let’s use his example.

Exodus 3:14

God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
         God will show himself as he sees fit, as he did with pharaoh. I bring this to you today, God does not need use to be the police of sin, he does not call us to stand up to the bullies. Like Peter in the garden he is saying put away your sword, I don’t need you to defend me. Remember “the greatest of these is love.” In the words of Jesus, love your God and love your neighbor.
         I offer this thought, what if we showed Jesus not through fighting gay marriages and abortion, but channeled that money through providing free marriage counseling for God ordained male and female marriages that were headed to divorce. Instead of rallying at an abortion sight or fighting the courts we financially assisted mothers to make sure they could raise the kids, or arrange adoptions. We change how old the baby can be when its aborted and we call it a win, Jesus is saying show me to them and they won’t ever want to have an abortion and the problem will be no more. These problems come from sin and only He can remove them.
        You can’t shame people into a love for Jesus. You cannot defend the one who needs no defense. If you truly love a parent you do as they wish, you obey what they ask of you. It is the same with our Heavenly Father. I heard it said one time God is hard to bash or talk bad about when his messenger comes with a gifts of love for those in need. It’s time we realize Jesus doesn’t look like a lawyer in a court trying to stop the sin of abortion, he looks like the friend or neighbor that says I know it will be hard and it wasn’t planned but God loves you and I will help you, you are not alone. Why can’t we as children of God spend more time saying “you are not alone”?

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