Sunday, December 27, 2015

If you were Jesus would you smile?

This morning's service came from the following passage. 

Mark 2:1-5 - After a few days, Jesus returned to Capernaum, and word got around that he was back home. A crowd gathered, jamming the entrance so no one could get in or out. He was teaching the Word. They brought a paraplegic to him, carried by four men. When they weren't able to get in because of the crowd, they removed part of the roof and lowered the paraplegic on his stretcher. Impressed by their bold belief, Jesus said to the paraplegic, "Son, I forgive your sins." 

The message was a sound one. I encourage anyone who wants to look it up on iTunes, simply search City Revival Church. It will come up. 

The thought I had does not have to do with the message preached. I found myself thinking, thinking about Jesus. As many of you know I have been focusing on what men can learn using Jesus as their role model. That has led me to desiring to be more like Jesus. I have recently begun to think of what he would be thinking or I should say based on what we know of his actions and character what he could have been thinking. I am not willing to presume that I would know what my Lord thinks. 

Let’s pretend for a moment we are Jesus in this passage. You are sitting in a house probably filled with some people who are curious about you, some of your traveling companions are in the room with you (maybe their family, come to see who has stolen them away from their careers), and some religious leaders looking to question it all. Suddenly you see some dust fall heavily from above. You hear a noise on the roof. You perhaps hear yelling; after all it wasn't their roof they were destroying. The religious men are asking some question they think they already know the answer to, when you see the first bit of light break thru. You see them now. Men! Regular men! They have two things, you can feel it. They have love for the man that is crippled and faith you can heal him. They know as you know his body is just part of the problem. His condition has left many scars and emotional issues. His anger with God has led him to sin by lashing out in anger and despair. You feel his pain. These men didn't come for a lecture. They came, they would not be stopped, simply to get the one they care about into your presence. You stand up slowly as the man begins to be lowered. You look up and lock eyes with the men lowering the cripple, one at a time you look into their faces. You see they know. They know you are the one they have waited on. You don't have to prove it. They already know. All they want is there friend to know. 

How pleased you are. In a minute the religious ones will accuse you of blasphemy. But for the moment you see 4 men who know you can fix all things. They know you and you them. You know all you will go through will be worth it, because there are men like these out there. These men that have found faith that people and buildings cannot stop, faith that moves out of love for another, you smile.

I think Jesus smiled. 

Oh how I want faith that will make Jesus smile. 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Headed for a beat down

Acts 19:15New International Version (NIV)

One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?”

As the story goes some religious people tried to use the name of Jesus, as Paul was doing to cast out demons. The demons called them on it. Showing them they had no authority. They got beat down, stripped naked, and run off.

One mistake left them naked and bloody.

They tried to use Jesus. They tried to get the authority in name and knowledge only. See, they knew the name but not the Savior. They new off him but did not have relationship. Power comes from not only know of Jesus but knowing him and him knowing you. Relationship.

Without it life will beat you down and leave you to run off in shame.


Friday, December 11, 2015

A Baptist church too noisy??

See article here

While this seems a little extreme to me ........ It did get me thinking........I would ask why churches think they have to be as loud as possible. If it's about worship use voices not pumped up sound systems. More than once I have had to carry my son out. Churches have earplugs. Kids lay in floor with earplugs at one church we attend. I work in a factory and it's not as loud as most churches I have been in lately.

Damon Thompson says a Bentley isn't a sign of blessing because God doesn't bless a person of God in the same way a drug dealer can claim success. In other words we should not measure ourselves against the worlds standards. By the same thought pattern I say a church should not attempt to emulate the world to create worship. It's not a rock concert.

I wonder if this church had lost the big speakers and just raised their voices if this story would not have had a different ending.

Just my thoughts....


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sometimes a meal is more than a meal!

           As I walk thru what it means to be a man, by looking at the life of Jesus, I feel the next topic to talk about is food. For those of you that know me, you know that I am a plump fellow, and that most of my activities involve food. It goes back to the fact that as a child we always had meals together and it was often be the only times we were together. My father has been feeding people my whole life. I cannot count the number of times our family of five swelled to ten plus after church as my father took us to eat. To this day when we meet him it is often over a meal and he always grabs the check. I used to argue with him about that, but have come to realize it is his way of still taking care of me even though I am grown. He allows the funds he saves his boys by paying to be used for other needs. It is his way of helping us out.

Imagine my surprise when I realized this was something Jesus did too. In John 6:1-14 or Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus fed a large group of people. There are people who argue the numbers but we will say it was a lot of people. They had come to hear him speak and they had come unprepared. Jesus met the needs of the people by feeding them. Let’s remove all symbolism and all the churchy stuff. 

Jesus had a chance to speak to people, they needed to hear, but if he didn’t feed them, he would have to send them away to find food as they were unprepared to stay. As men we need to learn from this, as Christians we need to learn from this. Not everyone has the means and abilities to do all the things and take advantage of all opportunities. Church camp is great but for the family that a meal is too costly, then camp is not an option. What if we could alleviate that one small blessing at a time? When we see a need and we have the means to we help fill that need we should. It does not have to be some great big thing. Sometimes it can simply be buy a meal for a family God has laid on your heart. Like my father when you feed someone you free those funds up for other uses and you get the joy of fellowship and a meal. Nothing is more New Testament Church than that: Acts 2:46 “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts”

Real men of God will feed others out of love; this is a lesson from the life of Jesus.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Who is your role model?

As a man this is struggle that I often ask myself. Should I be like the guy in an action movie, a star athlete, a famous musician? Should I emulate my Dad or one of my brothers? In the book of 1st Corinthians 11:1 Paul tells the people to follow his example as he follows the example of Christ. Some would say then we should emulate Paul. But I think Paul meant has he follows Christ example, so should we follow Christ’s example.

I have been looking into the life of Jesus and reviewing it as a man, asking myself what examples or traits Jesus exhibited that every man should strive to have. I know we should all strive to be like Christ but then something hit me, as men we have a unique example. If I am a woman and want to live more like Christ I must look at his actions and translate them to my role as a woman. If I am a man then I simply need to see what I can learn from these actions. (This is where all the women can say he had to keep it simple for the men) With this in mind I have been studying what Jesus did that was “man stuff”. Things that reflected how a human man should behave.

The first thing I chose to focus on may actually shock some people. It tends to go against what we think a man should be.

                John 11:35, “Jesus wept.”

Jesus as God delayed going to see Lazarus so that the miracle could occur. Upon arrival the man in Jesus wept at the loss of his friend. This has always struck me as odd because he knew that he was going to raise him from the dead, so why did he weep.

Empathy, the ability to feel the pain of those around him, to feel their hurt of the loved ones left behind, to know the suffering of Lazarus as he died. All of these things were not lost on Jesus. In his action of weeping others said “look how he loved him”. Our empathy for others shows our heart. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. So as men we need to be able to understand and share the feelings of others. This allows us to show our love for others and thru that the love of Christ for others.

As men we must weep for others.

Friday, October 2, 2015

I am definitely the 3rd string

I had a lady today tell me I couldn't be a pastor because my past disqualified me.

I started to point out perhaps she misread the scripture. Perhaps she imagined that Jesus could save me but not use me, that was just to much for Him to handle. Perhaps her southern baptist up bringing has placed doctrinal teaching in her mindset that aren't scriptural. I started to ask her if she would like to beat me with her KJV 1611 and set things right.

Instead I just smiled and thanked her for her opinion.

I admit I may be the third string. But if God wants me to in the game then 3 things I am sure of:

1) the first and second string players decided they weren't going in. So if your mad I get to play talk to them.

2) if your in the stands you are a spectator and don't really get to judge my qualifications.

3) the coach (God) said I was perfect thanks to his Son. His opinion is all that really matters.

Just saying.


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Fake smiles will steal your Joy

The more I read and listen to from Joel Osteen the more I realize he is a successful self help sociologist. He will make you feel better about being you. The danger with that is there will be a lot of good people feeling good about themselves in hell. I use him as an example but there are many pastors doing the same thing.

The truth is.......

.......It is your fault. Not your parents, ex, job, or circumstances. You are the sinner. There is no other answer. No other person or thing to blame. Nothing you will ever do can better this situation. Jesus died to save your soul. He did not die to make you rich, more successful, happier at work, give you a different spouse, or better behaved kids. Sometimes those things come but a dedicated life will often end up like the disciples, beaten, jailed, and killed.

Don't put your hopes in a man with plastic surgery and a fake smile who tells you to be happy. Put it in a God who became man and died to give you eternity and joy! Joy comes from knowing the love of a father that overcomes all your sin.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Are you trapped in a blessing?

This morning I am sipping grits from a Styrofoam cup (make them runny and you don’t need a spoon) on break in the factory where I work. This morning is a struggle as I am torn between being thankful and needing change. I am at work this morning but I feel I should be with my wife and child preparing to head to church. I understand that in this day and time jobs are blessings. I have been on mine for 13 years and have seen plenty of blessing and promotions. I am grateful for what I have, please do not misunderstand. Over the years things change and requirements and expectations change. More time is required to meet expectations. I am concerned about the things that are lost or given up to allow for this additional commitment of time. Things like time with family, involvement in church, school (seminary). My wife can attest to the fact whether it’s trying to get the grass cut in the evenings or just trying to relax on the couch there is the phone calls and the emails that never get caught up. Everyone who strives to do their best will eventually let what they do consume them to some point, and some areas of employment are more demanding of time.

One of my favorite preachers is Damon Thompson, he teaches about how Egypt was salvation for Israel when Israel an infant nation, but they stayed to long, what was salvation became bondage. What may be a current blessing or was a blessing can hold a person back from what they are presently intended to be or do.

 I also think back to what Jesus said to rich young ruler in Mark 10:21,
Jesus looked him hard in the eye—and loved him! He said, “There’s one thing left: Go sell whatever you own and give it to the poor. All your wealth will then be heavenly wealth. And come follow me.”

I am afraid that I am failing to follow him. I am at the point where it seems to be able to change the pattern of where I am, I would need to sale everything and leave to start over. How does one balance that with the need to care for a family?

I feel that I am allowing the wrong thing to consume me and I do not know how to right the ship.

I write this not to seek sympathy or answers but so that others who may feel this way know that they are not alone. The struggle is real……………….

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Ramblings of a tired Dad!

So here are some things I have been thinking of lately. No right or wrong. Just what's been on my mind.

I often find it difficult to balance time at work with time with family. My job keeps me away a lot. I see others who have more time. Then I see those who choose not to give 100 percent because they want more time at home. I wish my Dad had been home more. I worry my son will say the same thing one day. But I also look at all the people with there hands out not willing to work to take care of their kids and family and I know I will never be one of those. My father instilled to strong a work ethic in me because I saw it in him. If I choose not to give 100 percent my son would see me more, but he would develop the same work ethic that gave me that time. He would be set up for failure. I have resolved myself to make moments count and teach him hard work. My hard work and time away will mean his mother raised him not a daycare. If I work hard he will never know a time without a parent with him. That is time well spent. One day when he looks around at all the people who have accepted mediocrity he will be proud to know he got his work ethic from his dad. He will be a success because he will work hard, pray daily, and know that even tired we have to take time to read our bibles.


Friday, June 5, 2015

Vacation, transgender, and Christian principles

So I am spending some time on vacation with the family. Which leads to the baby needing to eat in. So while the wife does that I am contemplating life sitting in the front seat of the jeep.

Today's hot topic Transgender. Ever where you turn. Transgender is the new "shock and awe" media topic having replaced homosexuals as the new "it" topic. There is a lot of talk out there about the need for Christians to love and support these people because Jesus would. These people like to state all sin is equal.

Let's discuss both of those.

Jesus excepts everyone just like they are. He did this throughout the New Testament. He did this with the woman caught in adultery. I chose this story because people like to use this to say don't "cast the first stone". Jesus also however told the lady to go and leave her sinful lifestyle. He was not mean. He was loving. He also confronted her sin and instructed her to no longer continue in it.

So we can say to the transgender person we love you. We want the best for you. Jesus loves you. However we will not accept or celebrate your life of sin just as we do not do that for anyone else living in sin.

All sins are not equal. We see this in the Old Testament with the kings of Israel. When we create a lifestyle that accepts sins as trivial then it becomes a big deal. Knowing we are wrong but continuing to live that way angers God differently than our random daily sins.

It is wrong for us as Christians to accept sinful lifestyles as trivial. This includes transgenders. That however does not mean it allows for any form of hate and harmful speech. That's the difference, that's love.


Saturday, May 9, 2015

Do you hurt others for God??

1st Samuel 22:17

The king ordered his henchmen, "Surround and kill the priests of GOD!


Saul knew that God had plans for David. He knew that he was going to lose his kingdom to David. The very throne that God had given him. In his desire to kill David he also gave orders to kill other men of God.

Sometimes we destroy our own roles that God gave us. Just as Saul did with his by disobeying God. We then attempt to hold on to what God called us to, under our own power. When we do this we often sacrifice other men and women of God in order to maintain our position.

When God sees fit to replace you, either for failures or for growth. Allow this to occur with humility. Humble people God can restore and use. People who only want the position will lead to their own demise.


Friday, April 24, 2015

The language barrier

Charlotte North Carolina, much like many growing cities has seen an influx of different cultures. That influx of culture brings additional languages. There is a need for churches to be able to minister to these individuals. There was a time when we must go abroad in order to need a foreign language in order to witness to people of a different culture. This is no longer the case. I advise all churches that I work with to have at least one greeter that speaks Spanish, one person in their children's ministry that speaks Spanish, and to provide audio dubbed over videos in Spanish. The reason for this is that Hispanic populations are the fastest-growing demographic in North America. There are a group of adults with limited language skills who have children that must translate for them. This often leads to parents either dropping off their children or not wanting the children to leave them in case they need the language skills. We can alleviate that as churches if we provide someone who speaks their primary language. I understand we will never be able to provide a translator for every language however if we understand the area in which the church is placed and we understand the demographics of that area, then there should be no reason we cannot actively engage persons in that community in whatever form of communication is most vital and effective.

We often speak of language as a cultural verbal communication. I believe that there are overlooked languages that the church must learn to speak. These are the languages of technology and action.  The younger generation uses technology as their primary communication tool, they will sit in a room and text one another. They communicate with their friends through updating statuses. The church must learn to communicate with these individuals in this culture. The other language the church must learn to speak is that of action. The church must be actively involved in the culture in which it is placed. If it is not, then any communication it makes with the persons of the community will fall on deaf ears. 

Language and communication are critical for the church to grow not only in the area that I am in but in other areas around the country. This should be a topic of discussion for any church. This should be a topic of discussion for any person in ministry.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Do you ever think about "sacred places"?

I think that the way that we do things now can lead to a loss of the sacred nature of a place and or places. There was a time when churches were hallowed ground. Now the place may be a church this week and a burger joint tomorrow. The large cathedrals have a holy sense to them; they have a history that helps drive into us the sacred nature. You can feel the presence and stand in awe.

Nowadays people live tweet and selfie during church, baptisms come with t-shirts and go-pro camera pic like a ride at Disney or Carowinds, we have made this sacred activity a “I rode Space Mountain” T-shirt moment. As our sacred moments become something else then sacred places become no more.

The pilgrimage has long been a sign of the devout, no longer as important as more and more of our sacred places lose value. The sacrifice of time and funds, planning a preparation, a trip for and about better connection to God, pilgrimages were of such value.

I think in a society of disconnected individual that we need connection, there needs to be a sacred place. If we no longer have them in physical building and locations we need them in art. We need a music that draws people into their personal sacred place. We need dance that fades away the world until we are standing only with the Master. We need spoken word and poetry that elevates us into the act of communion with God. These will be the sacred places for the current and future generations.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Children need our help

As I do bills and balance check books before church I find myself asking what I can do without so children can have food. I understand no charity is perfect and we use that as an excuse not to give. If your like me and you are over weight then clearly we have plenty. Regardless of where we donate we need to help make sure no child is hungry. This one helps kids right here in NC.

What God has called us to is not inside church walls but out in the community letting our light shine.

You cannot tell a child about a God who loves them and leave there belly empty. Please love like Jesus and find a way to help. Here is one in North Carolina.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Jesus had a stepdad

Having been a stepfather to a teenage girl and being there even though she is grown, there are a few things I know. Raising teenage girls will make you really consider murdering someone and being a stepdad is hard.

The constant knowing your not really dad. The dreaded words that will come, "you are not my real dad". Walking that thin line of balance. Always afraid you will do to much or too little.

Here are my thoughts for all you step parents out there. Specifically stepdads. There is a crisis in our families in the world today. Too many absentee fathers and mothers. Stepparents are sometimes the only answer and they can be God's gift to the child.

I truly believe Jesus has special heart for the stepdads out there. He himself had one. If you're a stepparent and you think you have it rough, how would you like to have had Jesus as a stepson. Gotta be a lot of pressure. But through out the threats and stress of it all what little we know of Joseph shows he had a communication with God and he led his family based on that. My advice is as stepparents we do the same.

Proverbs 22:6 says "Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it."

It does not say if you are the real dad or mom. It says to train the child. Don't ever doubt the importance of the opportunity stepparents have to be godly examples.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Defining identity through discipleship

A congregation must have discipleship. One of the models of identity building is legitimizing identities. These identities underwrite the existing social structures and help shape the cultural norms. So through discipleship we can change and alter cultural norms inside of the city. We begin to take the identity of the community and legitimize it through biblical teaching. By having someone in a position of fathering or mentoring an individual they give approval or legitimize the identity of that person. Now that person's identity is no longer linked to the cultural norms but to the norms of Jesus. Discipleship was the model that Jesus chose. It was the model that Paul chose. It is based around the structure of a family and is demonstrated throughout all of Scripture. That is why it is an effective and necessary tool for all congregations but specifically critical to urban congregations. Even Jesus commanded us to make disciples as we shared the Gospel, this can be found in Matthew 28.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Can Jesus use a Zombie??? Yes He can!!

When we all feel that tug, that moment when we know its Jesus or nothing, there is that moment when the Holy Spirit comes after us so hard that we cannot be still, we have to respond. At least for all of us that have come to trust Jesus as our savior. For the rest of you this may sound strange but Jesus can help you too.  

But lets us say that you had that moment…… it was powerful…. Then you fell away….. You chose worldly things or selfish things….. You no longer have that…. Life! What now? You feel so far away from Jesus, how can you get back?

You may have (like me and many others) reached a point where the things you thought would fulfill you no longer can, the thing that pulled you away from God no longer helps you, it harms you. You feel dead inside, like a zombie, just wondering around but not really alive. 

I have good news for you. Let’s read the following scripture:

Then he shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” And he came out, a cadaver, wrapped from head to toe, and with a kerchief over his face.

Jesus told them, “Unwrap him and let him loose.”

John 11:43-44 (MSG) 

If you find yourself in that position where you feel dead, remember Jesus has conquered death; he has the power to call dead things back to life. Not only can he take us from death to life but he can once again give us purpose. Notice Jesus told them to “let him loose”. I find this statement interesting. If the idea was to just unwrap him, Jesus could have said so. Letting someone loose implies they have something to do or somewhere to go. Can you imagine how God could use the “zombie” Lazarus, what a testimony he had, and he was loosed to go and tell it. You too have a testimony to share. If you feel dead inside listen for Jesus, he is calling you; he will set you “loose” to a purpose. For you were created to glorify God, and nothing that stands against you can prevail, Jesus has already conquered it all. So regardless of how far into grave you think you are he can call you out. Listen for his voice, and like Lazarus you can be a “zombie” for God.  

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Who can steal from Jesus?

I heard someone say the other day that we needed to be careful that the devil doesn't steal us away from God.

Something in my spirit was bothered by this. I began thinking on this. Who would have the power to steal what Jesus owned. See the cross is where Jesus paid the debt for our sin.

..but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.
Romans 4:24-25 (NIV)

So my question is who can steal from Jesus. Having defeated the devil, death, and hell. What then could could overpower and take what he has.

It is foolishness to live in fear that anyone can take what Jesus owns. And as Christians we were bought and paid for by him. We belong to him.

No one will still us from him.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Jonah: 4 part series

Prodigal Son Series

Crazy things! Is it God?

Guys just a few moments of your time. I would like to tell you about a crazy plan that's getting ready to take shape. This guy I know who has no real experience other than business is planning to change directions and go in a completely different direction job wise. He is good at what he does and so it really doesn't make sense. In fact the job he is planning to make a living at is not new to him, but it has only been a side job until now.

What makes a man give up a good job, risk the welfare of his family? Did I mention he has a baby, less than a year old! It doesn't make any sense when we look at it rationally.

Ok. I have a confession. The guy is me. The reason is simple God has told me to. I have begun working to transition from bi-vocational work to full time ministry.

I would ask for prayers of support during this time. Please pray God's to come to light as this journey begins. Thank you guys.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

I want leftovers, you should too

As I was reading the story of the loaves and fishes I realized Jesus could have fed them with anything. He did not have to have the boys bread and fish.

I also realized he knew exactly how much food would be needed. So why was there leftovers. See the scripture below.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.
John 6:12-13

Then it hit me. There is a principle of God's nature in this miracle that Jesus performed. All we have is his yet he allows us to posses it through free will. He then asks for us to give it back. When we do he blesses it and it multiplies as it is being used. The leftovers are many times more than what was began with.

What I want is some of God's leftovers. I want to take what he has given to me and give it back. I want to marvel as he uses it. I want to see the piles of blessing left afterwards.

I hope you want leftovers too.


Friday, March 13, 2015

Are you like a child?

As I was watching my son play I begin to think of the things of God.

"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me." 1st Corinthians 13:11

Children are happy with what is being handed them. When the child begins to fuss hand them something, bottle or keys, toy or hair tie, whatever is fine. This soothes them for a minute, then they fuss and need something else handed to them.

As the child grows they begin to stretch, reaching for what they want, moving forward even. In fact that is what encourages them to learn to crawl and walk.

God continues to show me how we must constantly be moving forward. As we grow we become less content with just what the pastor or church hands us. We begin to dig in the word and find what God has to say. The we begin to move forward, sharing God with others.

The child does not stop taking what is handed them though. And likewise regardless of how much we go and get ourselves we still need the teaching and preaching from our local church.

It's amazing what God will show you if you will listen.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

No more red lights? Only green lights?

No more red lights? Only green lights?

This morning I was running late for work, but since I have some flexibility in that and it was foggy I decided to go the longer way by the main highways.

This meant stop light. Pesky things. Sometimes it seems you hit everyone. I was in no rush so it didn't bother me. Out I noticed some of the other drivers becoming irate as we hit every stop light.

That's when I heard God say " no more red lights. Only green". So I immediately took the time to meditate on this.

Jesus was constantly moving. Preach to 5000 and slip away to the other side after. Constantly telling his disciples "come let us go". The Ark of the Covenant was to always have the staves in place so it could be moved. Paul was always moving from place to place. In fact Jesus gave the great commission that told us to go.

So why do we always want to find a church to call home. Why are we so sedentary in our ministries and our patterns.

Certainly not everyone is called to be a traveling evangelist or an overseas missionary. I am also not discounting having a strong home base. However all of us should be moving in our walk with Jesus. In so producing change in what our ministry looks like. Whether member or leader there should be constant green lights.

Moving allows us to take the gospel to places it has not been. That may be the shop around the corner, the person who hears a new song that changes there direction, or going to a new location to spread the word and work of Christ.

Whoever you are and wherever your going there are no red lights needed. Keep moving forward.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Is faith reasonable?

I had this conversation the other night with my father.

He says faith is reasonable. I say it is not. My father is the wisest person I know so I am sure that I am mistaken or too stupid to fully grasp it all. My enthusiasm often exceeds my knowledge. It all hinges around your definitions of reasonable I suppose. So let's define it as having sound judgment, logical, factual and knowledgable decision making.

My father being so far along in his journey with God can imagine no situation in which choosing to believe God is not the most logical choice. He is the exception.

If you are like me. I will say I feel faith to be unreasonable. Reason is based around mans understanding. Faith is based around our belief in God's understanding. If it is a reasonable act or event anyone could pull it off, it is logical. If it beyond all human ability or reason but it occurs based on the goodness of God, it is miraculous.

I believe faith is believing God is in the business of the miraculous. Miracles are unreasonable because they defy natural laws. Faith is unreasonable because it says regardless of the logic God said it and he is a miracle worker and I believe him.

Reasonable is having flood insurance. Faith is building an ark because God is going to fill it with animals.

I don't want to be reasonable. I want to be inside the ark.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

From schools to churches we need prayer

Has the progress that we've made in the church in becoming more like the culture really helped anyone?

We have seen in schools that use of technology and entertainment value has increased but educational scores and good commonsense seems to be lost on this generation.The children graduating today have more opportunity than any group before them could imagine however most of them live at home well into their mid 20s. They graduate college but do not find work.

I believe our church in order to attract so many of these type of people have done the same thing. We provide a great entertainment experience sprinkled with a little bit of biblical teaching. At the end of the day the people that we teach don't do anything.they simply come back each Sunday for the entertainment value. No discipleship or study occurs in between.

I am surprised at the number of churches that have three and four services but no discipleship program. Untrained small group leaders simply become community groups for cultural purposes. We get together and play golf, we get together and play a game, we get together and talk about the kids, but no deep meaningful theological growth occurs.

I fear that our churches have become more about numbers and less about Jesus. It troubles me but I'm not sure what the answer is.

Join me in praying for our churches.


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Restricting God's House

While on Twitter this week this post came across my feed.

Read it here:

Basically as a church they have decided that children under 5th grade can't be in the main service.

We have all been there where a kid distracts by crying. But we have all also been there when that one kid refuses to leave momma's side. So what then. The whole family must pack up and go back home?

The church admits this policy doesn't work for all the people. The church goes on to state that not ever church is for every person. WOW. If the church is the bride of Christ, and Christ died for all, then every church is for every person. We are one church.

I know me personally by 3rd grade I took better notes than most adults in church. One of my coworkers kids maintain a journal of sermons series preached and he is 4th grade. Personally my son will not stay in a nursery, will not leave my wife's side. However he will sit with her and nap. Should we not go to church? Should church for us stop until my son gets thru this phase?

The church here uses secular logic in saying we don't teach kids college level courses..... but there are exceptions to that. There are kids that travel to the high schools for advanced maths and there are kids who have graduated college at 12. So what of these children?

In our church we have an autistic kid who sits and plays on an iPad or claps and sings during wrong parts of the service. He wants to be in church. I believe even more importantly God wants him there. I believe that kid excites heaven.

We run a risk when we exclude anyone. And we run a risk in thinking we know what God wants us to allow or disallow in his presence.

Jesus corrected his disciples for just this kind of thing. Let the children come.

Mathew 19:14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My 2 cents on Muslims

So lately I cannot look at social media without seeing 2 view points. One side hates the Muslim community. "Kill them all", they shout. The other side says we must accommodate the Muslim community. "Let's give money to their charities and say we are sorry", I have read.

So here it is guys. If we are to emulate Jesus. We should be kind to all we meet. Let our actions be gateways to opportunities to witness. However we do not have to accept any religion other than Christianity. The only way to heaven guys is thru Jesus, and it was Jesus who said that. So give to an outreach for helping the Muslim community if you want but make it one that will share Jesus with them. Be kind, but also witness to them.

Acceptance is not the answer, but neither is hate. What should always be the answer is more Jesus and less of us. So witness to all.

And for goodness sakes. Stop clogging up my Twitter feed with all your posts. :-)


Friday, February 6, 2015

Atheists and bowling

I bet you are wondering what bowling and atheist have in common.

Well let me tell you about that. I was having a conversation with a friend and he was telling me he thought they should make bowling an Olympic sport. I reviewed his argument and dismissed it. I decided that my personal experience with bowling let me know that it was not an Olympic sport.

Atheist attempt to use a targeted argument to disprove God. Much like bowling I have been there and done that. I have reviewed the argument and based on my own experience can dismiss it as of no value.

So I tell everyone. Let your experience be the thing that drives your belief.

An experience with Jesus is unlike any other.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

I ain't got nothing, but you need it too

How about that grammar? Perhaps my professors are right. I am no scholar and my poor writing is only eclipsed my speech.

But there is a truth in those humble words. I ain't got nothing. I sat this morning writing out bills. Looking at my finances and taking stock of all that surrounds me. My determination. I have very little of real worldly value. **enter depressing thought here**

But here is the deal, there was no depressing thought. I have a wife who I believe loves me no matter what. I have a son to carry on my name. I have a daughter who will raise her own kids with lessons I imparted. I have food and clothes enough to manage and I warm bed to sleep in. I am provided for by my Lord.

Here is the point. Nothing of worldly value here should depress us. God provides for us what we need and all the other has no value. Our true value lies in heaven with Jesus. Because our personal relationship with him is what is most important and HE is located in heaven. Where he prepares for us a place (and a place with him is the only thing of value I want).

My father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? John 14:2

See there is plenty of room. So tell a friend of the value you have in Jesus and share that value with everyone.