Saturday, November 23, 2013

The missed lesson in the story of the prodigal son

Most of us know the story of the prodigal son; if you do not you kind find it in Luke 15 starting in verse 11. Allow me to recap.
            Son says “Dad I want what will be mine when you’re dead, I don’t want to wait”. Dad gives it. Kid travel to the hottest party spot and then surrounds himself with people and parties until broke. Famine hits (think economic downturn) and he is out of cash. He finds himself in debt to a man that has him working in pig pins feeding them, he is considering eating that stuff they eat, remembering the good old days. Then he decides to go home.
Luke 15
            17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father.
So here we have a son of entitlement, thinking that all should be given to him. Much like we have today with kids living at home until they are 21-26 and some even older. There are people in their 30s still having parents pay for things for them. This is a generation of prodigal spirits. A society that says, I am entitled, I deserve this and that, I should not have to work and be patient. I want it now.
            So rather than argue, the father out of love gives the desires to the kid. Much as our heavenly Father has given to us freely, we have the freedom to choose, even if that choice abuses his good and loving nature. When the boy starts to return home, he knows that he has nothing of value left, he has tried to do it his way and has failed, he knows he deserves nothing. He decides he will beg to be a servant in the fathers house. He realizes his own failure and dirtiness and knows that if his father will have him he, will serve him. The act of the father taking him back in all his filthiness, despite all he has done, makes the boy want to serve him. He realizes that his father’s servants have good and happy lives of abundance, when he has squandered all he had. He realizes the intelligence of the father plan, and a goodness that he has abused.
            He goes home and is welcomed back. We have all been told that this is the way it is, that God loves us just like this prodigal son, and will accept us back, and He will!    …………………… But we see a change in the son in scripture. It is often overlooked. He went away with the heart of arrogance and self-desire. He returned with the heart of the servant, in humility. When we develop the heart of a servant then we truly can move into our true role in the house of the father. The arrogant son caused the father pain, the house was divided. But the humble servant that returned to him restored the family. Remember that the Father that accepts us regardless of circumstance, also desires to create in us the heart of a servant.
For even Jesus came to serve (Mark 10:45), and we should daily desire to be more Christ like.

Lord develop in me the character of a servant, ever willing to place my hands in the work of your kingdom. Let my desires be the completion of your activities. May others never hear me complain but always rejoicing in what you place before me. You are great and I am worthy only through the blood of your Son Jesus, thank you for welcoming me into your house. I love you Father. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Good Word. It shows wisdom, experience, and maturity. Thanks for sharing.
