Friday, May 6, 2016

What, as the Christian Church, we need.............

As I have devotion this morning a thought process was started. Generosity may be our biggest need in church today but we seem to make church about worship styles. At least we do in the circles I socialize in and people from school discuss it a lot. Do we need lasers and smog machines? Should we dance and shout? A lot of people focus on King David and his dancing before the ark. We like to use this as a focal point or to make a declaration of one worship style over another. But this is one thing he did, he also poorly planned the move of the ark. Stopped after a man died. Grew angry with God. Committed adultery and murder, united the kingdom, gathered supplies to build a temple. We never focus on just those events. We can no more make David only about his one recorded dance than we can Peter only about his denial of Jesus (and Peter did that 3 times). 

We always talk about looking like an Acts or 1st century church. There was a commitment to one another. A brotherhood, generosity, sharing of material possessions. Please don't judge people based on your personal convictions. Don't make the act of being superior spiritually about your actions or how you worship. I cannot find where one or the other makes you right or wrong. We should instead focus on generosity and taking care of one another. It does no good to have any one boast in a particular worship style while needy people are outside the church. Please be generous to someone today.

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