Saturday, August 16, 2014

Continual Baggage of Sexual Sin

Grace, thank God for grace, sins are forgiven.

The danger of sin is that while the sin can be forgiven the consequences can last a life time. I know what you are saying, I did not murder someone and end up with life in jail. It was just a little sexual activity as a teen or young adult with an ex, God forgave me so no harm, its all good.

I could go on and on....... but for the sake of time and because I am a lousy typist we will stop there. When we have stepped out of the will of God and committed a sin such as sexual immorality, the sin is forgiven but we cannot undo the action.There will be times that you will be with the the wife years down the road and play the comparison game, you will remember things from the past and let them affect the future.

Sometimes the consequence of sin is the fact that cannot forget all that occurred. Premarital sexual sin is just as damaging as infidelity during a marriage from the consequence of comparison.

We are often tempted to say that under grace all is good, and it is true that there is no condemnation for those of use under the blood of Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). But do not think for a moment that actions do not carry with them consequences, and in the case of sexual sins they can create a door way for new sinful thoughts and actions.

Be honest about this with those you teach and disciple so that they will understand the dangers that even forgiven sins pose.

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