Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The overlooked miracle

The overlooked miracle in the story of the feeding of the 5,000

Matthew 14:13-21

Often times people dispute this miracle, they even say it most likely only appeared to be 5,000. It may have only been several hundred people. As if feeding several people by multiplying loaves and fishes was more understandable. 

But this is not the miracle I want to address. The miracle I want to address is the one of hearing the teaching of Jesus. I often speak to 80 people in a closed environment and without a PA system it is hard to make sure that everyone can here. Can you imagine a high school graduation, Sunday church service, a concert, a candidate speech, or a ref at a NFL game trying to address everyone without the benefits of modern technology? But here we have 5,000 men not including the number of women and children (and I believe the bible is accurate, it was 5k) hearing Jesus teach, we have no information anywhere in scripture that states any of them had trouble hearing. If so they would have left. You don’t hang around at a concert if you don’t hear any music.

So why could they hear him? Because he was Jesus? Because it was a miracle? I believe that that they could hear Jesus the same way that we can hear from him. Through a miracle, this is what the Holy Spirit speaking to us really is, a miracle.

I believe that we should prepare to hear from God in the same way that these people prepared. So what did they do that allowed them to hear from Jesus. What positioned them for the miracle?

Personally and individually

1.     We see that they went to where they knew Jesus was. (they realized where he was going and ran it says to get there) 
2.     They moved in faith (they brought there sick knowing he could heal them) 
3.     They positioned themselves to hear the word (To hear we must we must quiet all else and be still at the feet of the master) 
4.     They forsook all personal well-being to hear Jesus (no food or supplies, just ran after him)

As a group

1.     They acted in unison (they all wanted to hear, as a church or family we must too)
2.     They did not forsake the needy (they brought those who could not bring themselves) 
3.     They made seeking Jesus a family affair (they brought wives and kids)

If we can learn to do these things individually and as a group we can hear the words of Jesus through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is our miracle.

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