Sunday, March 1, 2015

From schools to churches we need prayer

Has the progress that we've made in the church in becoming more like the culture really helped anyone?

We have seen in schools that use of technology and entertainment value has increased but educational scores and good commonsense seems to be lost on this generation.The children graduating today have more opportunity than any group before them could imagine however most of them live at home well into their mid 20s. They graduate college but do not find work.

I believe our church in order to attract so many of these type of people have done the same thing. We provide a great entertainment experience sprinkled with a little bit of biblical teaching. At the end of the day the people that we teach don't do anything.they simply come back each Sunday for the entertainment value. No discipleship or study occurs in between.

I am surprised at the number of churches that have three and four services but no discipleship program. Untrained small group leaders simply become community groups for cultural purposes. We get together and play golf, we get together and play a game, we get together and talk about the kids, but no deep meaningful theological growth occurs.

I fear that our churches have become more about numbers and less about Jesus. It troubles me but I'm not sure what the answer is.

Join me in praying for our churches.


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