Sunday, March 22, 2015

Can Jesus use a Zombie??? Yes He can!!

When we all feel that tug, that moment when we know its Jesus or nothing, there is that moment when the Holy Spirit comes after us so hard that we cannot be still, we have to respond. At least for all of us that have come to trust Jesus as our savior. For the rest of you this may sound strange but Jesus can help you too.  

But lets us say that you had that moment…… it was powerful…. Then you fell away….. You chose worldly things or selfish things….. You no longer have that…. Life! What now? You feel so far away from Jesus, how can you get back?

You may have (like me and many others) reached a point where the things you thought would fulfill you no longer can, the thing that pulled you away from God no longer helps you, it harms you. You feel dead inside, like a zombie, just wondering around but not really alive. 

I have good news for you. Let’s read the following scripture:

Then he shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” And he came out, a cadaver, wrapped from head to toe, and with a kerchief over his face.

Jesus told them, “Unwrap him and let him loose.”

John 11:43-44 (MSG) 

If you find yourself in that position where you feel dead, remember Jesus has conquered death; he has the power to call dead things back to life. Not only can he take us from death to life but he can once again give us purpose. Notice Jesus told them to “let him loose”. I find this statement interesting. If the idea was to just unwrap him, Jesus could have said so. Letting someone loose implies they have something to do or somewhere to go. Can you imagine how God could use the “zombie” Lazarus, what a testimony he had, and he was loosed to go and tell it. You too have a testimony to share. If you feel dead inside listen for Jesus, he is calling you; he will set you “loose” to a purpose. For you were created to glorify God, and nothing that stands against you can prevail, Jesus has already conquered it all. So regardless of how far into grave you think you are he can call you out. Listen for his voice, and like Lazarus you can be a “zombie” for God.  

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