Saturday, February 21, 2015

Restricting God's House

While on Twitter this week this post came across my feed.

Read it here:

Basically as a church they have decided that children under 5th grade can't be in the main service.

We have all been there where a kid distracts by crying. But we have all also been there when that one kid refuses to leave momma's side. So what then. The whole family must pack up and go back home?

The church admits this policy doesn't work for all the people. The church goes on to state that not ever church is for every person. WOW. If the church is the bride of Christ, and Christ died for all, then every church is for every person. We are one church.

I know me personally by 3rd grade I took better notes than most adults in church. One of my coworkers kids maintain a journal of sermons series preached and he is 4th grade. Personally my son will not stay in a nursery, will not leave my wife's side. However he will sit with her and nap. Should we not go to church? Should church for us stop until my son gets thru this phase?

The church here uses secular logic in saying we don't teach kids college level courses..... but there are exceptions to that. There are kids that travel to the high schools for advanced maths and there are kids who have graduated college at 12. So what of these children?

In our church we have an autistic kid who sits and plays on an iPad or claps and sings during wrong parts of the service. He wants to be in church. I believe even more importantly God wants him there. I believe that kid excites heaven.

We run a risk when we exclude anyone. And we run a risk in thinking we know what God wants us to allow or disallow in his presence.

Jesus corrected his disciples for just this kind of thing. Let the children come.

Mathew 19:14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"


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