Monday, October 14, 2013

Mission Organizations, Missing the Mission Minded

Let me begin by stating that I have a burden on me from God to serve. To gather the information needed to make a Spirit filled decision I began looking into different organizations. I have a group I am burdened for but not sure the best path to take. I am yet unsure of just where the Lord will open the door but I am certain he will.

That being said I see a glaring problem with mission organizations. I would be willing to state is is also an issue in the church, and for some of us in our personal lives. We have all heard it said that if Jesus showed up today a lot of churches would not let him in.


I would also say that they would not let in Paul, a known murder. What about the woman at the well, Jesus used her to spread his message, but not us - she has simply been married too many times. Thomas, of course not, he admitted to having doubts. David, well we are impressed with that Goliath thing, but you had an adulterous affair that lead to murder, man after God's own heart, maybe, but we can't use you to spread the good news. How about the good Samaritan, surely he......., no ............ wrong ethnicity. 

Does this sound crazy? of course it does but it all happens, all the time. See Jesus makes us a new creation, and we dance and shout about it at churches, we write songs bout it. But we don't believe it, if we did, there would be no missionary positions unfilled. When a missionary group can take a person and disqualify them based on past, we don't believe. When a church quiets the new convert because they are too fired up, we don't believe. When you apply for a job and they say, you realize this is a black/white/Hispanic church, we don't believe. When we decide to use the sins that were forgiven to dictate worthiness and disqualify God's children, we don't believe.

If we were filed with the Spirit, allowing the Spirit to bear witness one to another as the only requirement, the workers would not be so few. I fear we will have a lot to answer for when we stand before the Savior and he says, why didn't you use the workers I sent you, why did you not believe. The harvest was lost.

I pray that the Lord change my character if need be, but that I never hear those words from the Savior.

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