Sunday, February 14, 2016

Kirk Franklin, Kanye, and Yeezus

I don't normally involve current events in my posts but there is a trend I think we need to be aware of.

The trend is celebrity pastors and worship leaders willing to accept whatever to court the association of famous people. The message is one of grace translated to grant permission for everyone to do what they want to. This is not grace. Grace reveals how we have failed, the amount of God's love for us, and produces a desire to live everyday more holy than the last.

Twice now I have read as Kirk Franklin (see post below) attempts to use the grace montage to shame Christians for not supporting his celebrity partner. He is attempting to lend authenticity to Kanye's album of which he is a contributor. The same Kanye that claimed to be god, toured under a recent album titled Yeezus, and had a actor portray Jesus as a mocked prop during the tour. His album contains songs like "black skinhead" and "I Am a God". Notice the mocking of "I Am", the name by which God calls himself.

I love Kanye and pray for a true grace to fall on and in him. To Kirk Franklin I would say shaming Christians for financial gains is not going to help that occur.

You can love and support a person without promoting blasphemy. You would not tell a rapist that you will hold the camera for them or help them continue to hurt others. We confuse love and support in truth with tolerance and acceptance of sin. They are not the same thing. The new trend is then to allow our tolerance to become assistance. Then we are guilty of not only the sin but becoming a stumbling block where we should be a beacon.

The world needs the truth, not acceptance.

Kirk Franklin Facebook Post


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