So here are some things I have been thinking of lately. No right or wrong. Just what's been on my mind.
I often find it difficult to balance time at work with time with family. My job keeps me away a lot. I see others who have more time. Then I see those who choose not to give 100 percent because they want more time at home. I wish my Dad had been home more. I worry my son will say the same thing one day. But I also look at all the people with there hands out not willing to work to take care of their kids and family and I know I will never be one of those. My father instilled to strong a work ethic in me because I saw it in him. If I choose not to give 100 percent my son would see me more, but he would develop the same work ethic that gave me that time. He would be set up for failure. I have resolved myself to make moments count and teach him hard work. My hard work and time away will mean his mother raised him not a daycare. If I work hard he will never know a time without a parent with him. That is time well spent. One day when he looks around at all the people who have accepted mediocrity he will be proud to know he got his work ethic from his dad. He will be a success because he will work hard, pray daily, and know that even tired we have to take time to read our bibles.