Today's hot topic Transgender. Ever where you turn. Transgender is the new "shock and awe" media topic having replaced homosexuals as the new "it" topic. There is a lot of talk out there about the need for Christians to love and support these people because Jesus would. These people like to state all sin is equal.
Let's discuss both of those.
Jesus excepts everyone just like they are. He did this throughout the New Testament. He did this with the woman caught in adultery. I chose this story because people like to use this to say don't "cast the first stone". Jesus also however told the lady to go and leave her sinful lifestyle. He was not mean. He was loving. He also confronted her sin and instructed her to no longer continue in it.
So we can say to the transgender person we love you. We want the best for you. Jesus loves you. However we will not accept or celebrate your life of sin just as we do not do that for anyone else living in sin.
All sins are not equal. We see this in the Old Testament with the kings of Israel. When we create a lifestyle that accepts sins as trivial then it becomes a big deal. Knowing we are wrong but continuing to live that way angers God differently than our random daily sins.
It is wrong for us as Christians to accept sinful lifestyles as trivial. This includes transgenders. That however does not mean it allows for any form of hate and harmful speech. That's the difference, that's love.