Saturday, March 22, 2014

Why Jesus? And the age old question…..Why are we here?

I am often asked why Jesus? Man I don’t need Jesus I am just as good as those guys. Actually you may be better than them; there are a lot of really moral non-Christians. Seriously, I see Christians and they still got problems so I guess all that church stuff doesn’t work. Yep, that is true, Jesus doesn’t take away all the problems of this life, work is work, bad things happen, and sometimes you get a raw deal. So if that is true then why do I need or want Jesus, why do you? Here is what I tell them.

We were created in the image of God and were intended to be in communion with Him which we see in the garden. Genesis 2:19-20 God brought the animals to Adam and allowed him to name them, Genesis 3:8, God walked in the garden, calling to Adam. By these statements we know that Adam had a relationship with God. There was communion of the created with the creator. Isaiah 43:21 states that the people God formed for himself will proclaim his praise, so he created us to glorify him, so He alone is praised. 1St Corinthians 10:31 tells us “do all to the glory of God.

So I will submit that we are here to glorify God and walk in communion with him. Either you have agreed to see where I go with this and you will keep reading or you just determined I am untrained, poorly educated, and clearly unskilled and are not going any further with this. Awesome!!

 for the those still reading let’s look at why Jesus?.......

So do we need communion and glorification of and with the Father God in order to be happy?? Yes, without the communion we were created for we will have an empty spot in our life. We see this all the time, a generation of people that promote themselves through social media, everyone wants to have value. There is a need to feel purpose. We attempt to find purpose in career, we find that in family, we find that in social causes, or the next material thing we desire. We seek things to fill the empty spot that was meant for God, and when we seek stuff to fill that we sin, the more we put between us and our intended function of communion and glorification the further that we get from God. All that is not of God is sin. Since the beginning of time, with Adam and Eve the devil has been telling us that we can use the “fruit” of sin to fill the spot intended for God. The fruit of sin has always been choosing our desire over what God has created and instructed for us to be. This is the lie that the devil has been telling us for years. “You don’t need to give up all the stuff your pursuing, it makes you a better person”, but does it bring you closer or further away from God?

I know what you are thinking, we still haven’t gotten to why Jesus? I told you about what you need to be happy so that I can tell you who can get you there. Jesus came and created a way for us as sinful creatures to no longer live separate from God. Through Jesus (his selfless actions and sinless life) he carried our sin to the cross, he died willingly, then rose again. Allowing us to return to communion with God through the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit comes to us after salvation and allows a two way communion between us and the Father God.

The Holy Spirit does this by replacing all those things that we tell no one about with Joy. All of us have those secrets we want no one to know about, those things that the devil will drag up when we start to turn to God. The devil uses them to remind us why we should or could not be accepted. Jesus has already paid for all of those things; the devil reminds you of things God no longer remembers.

God remembers no sin that was washed away by the blood of Jesus.

Jesus takes those sins away, provides the Holy Spirit, allows communion, and brings JOY. JOY guys, is doing what you were made for. JOY is better than happiness, happiness can be found in things and will pass way. JOY is forever,  it is communion with God.

So why Jesus? Because there is a Joy you were intended to have, but you cannot get there on you own, only through him.

 Jesus is the key to JOY!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I dont like that kind of worship...........

We hear a lot about this church or that church has better worship, or I like this type of worship. I even found myself having that conversation Sunday.

I came out of my prayer time today convicted. God asked me if I worshiped before I got to service or if I waited on someone else to create the atmosphere. He said David danced till his clothes fell off, but he didn’t wait till he got to the temple and he didn’t wait till God’s presence got there. He danced on the way and brought the presence of God with him.

So if worship isn’t the way you want it, is it because God isn’t good? Maybe you can’t look past the style? Is it because you like your worship routine more than you like worshiping God? Or is God presence not there because you didn’t bring him with you with the spirit of worship like David did?

People say we need to rebuild the house of David and be a people of worship in church.

I say God wants a people like David who will worship on the way to church and bring his presence with them.